Karen Z. Brass is the President and Owner of CAN I COUNT ON YOU LLC and creator of The Standupster program. She is an internationally recognized Professional Holocaust Educator and motivational Public Speaker. As the daughter of Holocaust Survivor, David Zauder, Brass has 40+ years of experience working with public and private schools, Temples, Churches, Day Without Hate programs, our esteemed military, Diversity Day Programs, National Honors Society Inductions and Graduations, Businesses who work on inclusion efforts, Yartzite Programs, Holocaust Remembrance Programs, Kristallnacht Programs, and Babi Yar Remembrance Programs, student travel groups, tolerance and sensitivity speeches for small businesses and corporations, as well as Elementary School Book presentations. Custom programs can run from 30 minutes to one or two hours long, as well as week-long educational events. Her interactive Standupster® presentations, with PowerPoint slide programs, allow for additional needed Q & A during and afterward.
Brass has presented in many other venues as well. Presentations have been made to branches of the U.S. Military, including Peterson Air Force Base, Fort Carson, NORAD, and NASA. She was invited to speak on education panels nationwide, as well as in Warsaw, Poland, Berlin, Germany, Jerusalem, Israel, and in Vancouver, British Columbia, and many in the United States.
Brass offers innovative PowerPoint Programs for 5th graders, Middle School, High School, and University students which are customized for 1 hour, 2 hours or 2-1/2 hour presentations, age-appropriate for each. Brass’s unique ability to connect with people in delivering a program that focuses on Holocaust Awareness and Education, personal accountability, including anti-bullying and leadership campaigns, has received praise and recognition from school administrators, teachers and students, parents, and business leaders.
Brass shares the story of her Father’s survival in the Krakow Ghetto, and in four concentration camps, including Auschwitz. He survived and she is here because he survived. She weaves in the history of the Holocaust while sharing personal stories, connecting with students, and providing the message that they need to choose to accept personal accountability for making good decisions within their own schools, and throughout their lives. Through audience participation, Brass asks students to be Standupsters and not bystanders."If you see something, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility" These are phrases she teaches to help them to understand the power they have in making decisions, daily, which affects and positively impacts the quality of their life and that of their fellow students.
Brass includes the use of a large Standupster poster which students are asked to sign, to demonstrate their commitment to no longer be bystanders within their schools. The poster remains on-site to remind students that they can hold themselves to a higher level of personal accountability. Brass has created silicone rubber Standupster bracelets to which students are drawn. Brass provides a list of 50 questions for teachers to ask of their students following her presentations. The students then write her letters explaining what the presentation meant to them, utilizing some of the 50 questions, and how they were personally affected by the program, making this a Common Core Standard Curriculum experience. According to principals and teachers, this literacy piece allows connection between students and the speaker, assists in reducing incidents of bullying within schools, and dramatically increases school spirit and pride as well as increasing inclusive environments and creating action takers within the school and work environment.
Her Standupster program teaches people to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities, and sexual orientation or gender identity. She has impacted and inspired tens of thousands of people in public and private schools, community events, businesses, and our esteemed military.
Our mission is to be a source of emotional education, sharing a human history that everyone can relate to personally. Following receiving such education, then, be willing to be a positive call to action~ worldwide.
Together, we understand the growing importance of gaining peace among nations. We must be willing to hear about our mistakes from the past and be willing to take positive action today. The murder of others not like ourselves is a crime against humanity. We are all affected when Genocide occurs, the trauma does in fact filter through to all of us through the 6 degrees of separation.
We must focus on having respect for all human life. Together, we will continue our mission and vision – to remember the Holocaust and to affirm an individual’s responsibility for the collective actions of society.
In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
Join us in becoming a Standupster. It is a needed Movement for CHANGE...

The long-awaited, now award-winning 3rd book has been completed!
How To Create Peace, is an innovative children's book on what it takes to create equity and harmony, in other words, peace, through a child's eyes. Included is an intensive study guide for a teacher, mentor, or parent to utilize while teaching the lessons from the story. Orders are being taken now and shipped out immediately. Large quantity discounts are available.

Our Goal; Getting a copy of How To Create Peace in every Elementary school in the State of Colorado. YOU CAN HELP! Purchase one for yourself and also purchase one and become an Elementary SPONSOR! Get YOUR name in the book and I will mail it to them on your behalf! Of the 1,745 Elementary schools in Colorado, books placed so far is 142!
"How to Create Peace touches on the core of what can make a difference to create co-existence in our diverse society today. Karen Z. Brass is both a story-teller and a teacher, which makes for a powerful method to convey a message of tolerance and acceptance of people who are different. She guides us through the moral implications which will assist parents to reinforce more humane behavior in their children. I highly recommend this book for teachers and parents alike!"
Eva Fogelman, PhD, psychologist, filmmaker and author of the Pulitzer Prize nominee Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust.
Dear Karen – I received the first book yesterday and I really appreciate your personalized note. What an overwhelming surprise when I received the additional books today! I can’t thank you enough for including an extra copy for our library – my co-workers are already lining up to read it. And my educators will be thrilled with their personalized copies when I gift them next week. That was so thoughtful of you to sign each one with a personalized message! This is not an easy topic to address, but your wisdom will help give our teachers the tools to inform their students about the underlying causes of hatred and bigotry and will encourage them to become ‘standupsters’ and peacemakers.
With an abundance of gratitude -
Carla Adivi ~Director of Lifelong Learning vosla.org Jewish Education for children, teens and Adults
How To Create Peace earned two in the Finalist catagories- Parents and Children and Multicultural Children's Literature!

About us:
Karen Z. Brass is the President and Owner of CAN I COUNT ON YOU llc and creator of The Standupster program. She is an internationally recognized Professional Holocaust Educator and motivational Public Speaker. As the daughter of Holocaust Survivor, David Zauder, Brass has 30+ years of experience working with public and private schools, Temples, Churches, Day Without Hate programs, our esteemed military, Diversity Day Programs, National Honors Society Inductions and Graduations, Businesses who work on inclusion efforts, Yartzite Programs, Holocaust Remembrance Programs, Kristallnacht Programs, and Babi Yar Remembrance Programs, student travel groups, tolerance and sensitivity speeches for small businesses and corporations, as well as Elementary School Book presentations. Custom programs can run from 30 minutes to one or two hours long, as well as week-long events. Her interactive Standupster® presentations, with PowerPoint slide programs, allow for additional needed Q & A during and afterward.
Brass has presented in many other venues as well. Presentations have been made to branches of the U.S. Military, including Peterson Air Force Base, Fort Carson, NORAD, and NASA. She was invited to speak on education panels nationwide, as well as in Warsaw, Poland, Berlin, Germany, Jerusalem, Israel, and in Vancouver, British Columbia, and many in the United States.
Brass offers innovative PowerPoint Programs for 5th graders, Middle School, High School, and University students which are customized for 1 hour, 2 hours or 2-1/2 hour presentations, age-appropriate for each. Brass’s unique ability to connect with people in delivering a program that focuses on Holocaust Awareness and Education, personal accountability, including anti-bullying and leadership campaigns, has received praise and recognition from school administrators, teachers and students, parents, and business leaders.
Brass shares the story of her Father’s survival in the Krakow Ghetto, and in four concentration camps, including Auschwitz. He survived and she is here because he survived. She weaves in the history of the Holocaust while sharing personal stories, connecting with students, and providing the message that they need to choose to accept personal accountability for making good decisions within their own schools, and throughout their lives. Through audience participation, Brass asks students to be Standupsters and not bystanders. "If you see something, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility" These are phrases she teaches to help them to understand the power they have in making decisions, daily, which affects and positively impacts the quality of their life and that of their fellow students.
Brass includes the use of a large Standupster poster which students are asked to sign, to demonstrate their commitment to no longer be bystanders within their schools. The poster remains on-site to remind students that they can hold themselves to a higher level of personal accountability. Brass has created silicone rubber Standupster bracelets to which students are drawn. Brass provides a list of 50 questions for teachers to ask of their students following her presentations. The students then write her letters explaining what the presentation meant to them, utilizing some of the 50 questions, and how they were personally affected by the program, making this a Common Core Standard Curriculum experience. According to principals and teachers, this literacy piece allows connection between students and the speaker, assists in reducing incidents of bullying within schools, and dramatically increases school spirit and pride as well as increasing inclusive environments and creating action takers within the school and work environment.
Her Standupster program teaches people to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities, and sexual orientation or gender identity. She has impacted and inspired tens of thousands of people in public and private schools, community events, businesses, and our esteemed military.
Our mission is to be a source of emotional education, sharing a human history that everyone can relate to personally. To then, be willing to be a positive call to action~ worldwide. WHEN YOU SEE IT, YOU OWN IT! WHEN YOU SEE IT~ SPEAK IT. BE A STANDUPSTER! Together, we are understanding the growing importance of gaining peace among nations. We must be willing to hear about our mistakes from the past and be willing to take positive action today. The murder of others not like ourselves is an actual crime against humanity. We are all affected when Genocide occurs, the trauma does in fact filter through to all of us through the 6 degrees of separation. Our own country has a 2018 bill that was signed into law in January 2019 stating that we will stop such violence. Public Law No:115-441 Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act.
Join us in providing an opportunity for those who need to learn how NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN HATE AND WHY.
"... people need to get outside of themselves and become a caring member of the human race." ~David Zauder
May his memory be for a blessing. David ZauderSeptember 14th 1928-April 15th 2013
Be Standupsters! Make the choice today to not be a bystander. If you see something discriminatory against another human being, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility. Share what happened. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW AND HEARD AND SHARE WHAT YOU DID ABOUT IT. Choose to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities and sexual orientation or gender identity. Be willing to be a positive call to action in your sphere of influence, and make this a world-wide affect.
Please share who we are within your social media groups, your sphere of influence. When YOU see hatred and bias polluting our schools, work environments and community centers, share that your choice is to be an action taker, a Standupster. If you choose to contribute to our cause, your contribution will be used to provide a FREE Standupster®Presentation to a school currently unable to pay Brass' reasonable speakers fee. Your contribution will allow us to provide free copies of the DVD Presentations and her books, I AM A STANDUPSTER, TRAUMA FILTERS THROUGH, or HOW TO CREATE PEACE to school libraries. Your contribution can help to fund Standupster®Leadership Programs, to help us to raise awareness of the need for anti-discrimination and anti-bullying through Holocaust AND Genocide Awareness and education. Your contribution can help fund Brass' future trips like her trip to attend the Annual World Federation of Jewish Child Holocaust Survivors and Descendants Conferences in both the USA and around the World. She attended in Warsaw, Poland, where she was an invited educational panel speaker during the 23rd World Federation Of Child Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants Conference. While there, she visited her father's home in Krakow and Auschwitz. She documented her trip and uses the new photos in her current presentations. These travel experiences have also added to the number of types of presentations she can offer.
Your contribution to "Can I Count on You llc" may be tax-deductible and you will receive your receipt through Paypal.
A bulletin board made by students in a middle school in Colorado with a teacher who truly has a gift for teaching this subject! THANK YOU Jenny Park!

About us:
Karen Z. Brass is the President and Owner of CAN I COUNT ON YOU llc and the creator of The Standupster program. She is an internationally recognized Professional Holocaust Educator and motivational Public Speaker. As the daughter of Holocaust Survivor, David Zauder, Brass has 30+ years of experience working with public and private schools, Temples, Churches, Day Without Hate programs, our esteemed military, Diversity Day Programs, National Honors Society Inductions and Graduations, Businesses who work on inclusion efforts, Yartzite Programs, Holocaust Remembrance Programs, Kristallnacht Programs, and Babi Yar Remembrance Programs, student travel groups, tolerance and sensitivity speeches for small businesses and corporations, as well as Elementary School Book presentations. Custom programs can run from 30 minutes to one or two hours long, as well as week-long events. Her interactive Standupster® presentations, with PowerPoint slide programs, allow for additional needed Q&A during and afterward.
Brass has presented in many other venues as well. Presentations have been made to branches of the U.S. Military, including Peterson Air Force Base, Fort Carson, NORAD, and NASA. She was invited to speak on education panels nationwide, as well as in Warsaw, Poland, Berlin, Germany, Jerusalem, Israel, and Vancouver, British Columbia, and many in the United States.
Brass offers innovative PowerPoint Programs for 5th graders, Middle School, High School, and University students customized for 1 hour, 2 hours, or 2-1/2 hour presentations, age-appropriate for each. Brass’s unique ability to connect with people in delivering a program that focuses on Holocaust Awareness and Education, and personal accountability, including anti-bullying and leadership campaigns, has received praise and recognition from school administrators, teachers and students, parents, and business leaders.
Brass shares the story of her Father’s survival in the Krakow Ghetto, and in four concentration camps, including Auschwitz. He survived and she is here because he survived. She weaves in the history of the Holocaust while sharing personal stories, connecting with students, and providing the message that they need to choose to accept personal accountability for making good decisions within their schools, and throughout their lives. Through audience participation, Brass asks students to be Standupsters and not bystanders. "If you see something, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility" These are phrases she teaches to help them to understand the power they have in making decisions, daily, which affects and positively impacts the quality of their life and that of their fellow students.
Brass includes a large Standupster poster which students are asked to sign, to demonstrate their commitment to no longer be bystanders within their schools. The poster remains on-site to remind students that they can hold themselves to a higher level of personal accountability. Brass has created silicone rubber Standupster bracelets to which students are drawn. Brass provides a list of 50 questions for teachers to ask of their students following her presentations. The students then write her letters explaining what the presentation meant to them, utilizing some of the 50 questions, and how they were personally affected by the program, making this a Common Core Standard Curriculum experience. According to principals and teachers, this literacy piece allows connection between students and the speaker, assists in reducing the incidents of bullying within schools, dramatically increases school spirit and pride as well as increasing inclusivity within those environments and helping to create action takers within the school and work environment.
Her Standupster program teaches people to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities, and sexual orientation or gender identity. She has impacted and inspired tens of thousands of people in public and private schools, community events, businesses, and our esteemed military.
Be Standupsters! Make the choice today to not be a bystander. If you see something discriminatory against another human being, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility. Share what happened. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW AND HEARD AND SHARE WHAT YOU DID ABOUT IT. Choose to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities and sexual orientation or gender identity. Be willing to be a positive call to action in your sphere of influence, and make this a world-wide affect.
Please share who we are within your social media groups, your sphere of influence. When YOU see hatred and bias polluting our schools, work environments and community centers, share that your choice is to be an action taker, a Standupster. If you choose to contribute to our cause, your contribution will be used to provide a FREE Standupster®Presentation to a school currently unable to pay Brass' reasonable speakers fee. Your contribution will allow us to provide free copies of the DVD Presentations and her books, TRAUMA FILTERS THROUGH, or HOW TO CREATE PEACE to school libraries. Your contribution can help to fund Standupster®Leadership Programs, to help us to raise awareness of the need for anti-discrimination and anti-bullying through Holocaust Awareness and education. Your contribution can be used to help with the funding of Brass' future trips like her trip to attend the Annual World Federation of Jewish Child Holocaust Survivors and Descendants Conferences in both the USA and around the World. She attended in Warsaw, Poland, where she was an invited educational panel speaker during the 23rd World Federation Of Child Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants Conference. While there, she visited her father's home in Krakow and Auschwitz. She documented her trip and used the new photos in her current presentations. These travel experiences have also added to the number of types of presentations she can offer.
Your contribution to "Can I Count on You llc" may be tax-deductible and you will receive your receipt through Paypal.
A bulletin board made by students in a middle school in Colorado with a teacher who truly has a gift for teaching this subject! THANK YOU Jenny Park!

Order here your copy of HOW TO CREATE PEACE, Teaching Children How to Navigate Their Personal Choices, and Build their Character and Social Morality. A Children's Book for Elementary-aged children by Karen Z. Brass.
*Congratulations on becoming a 2023 Children's Book International Finalist! Our sincerest compliments go out to you for your persistent work and courage in turning dreams into reality. In the coming days and throughout the year your work will be at the forefront of our pitch to literary agents in New York and Los Angeles for possible review, be featured on our popular website https://americanwritingawards.com/ and multiple media channels, and included in our spring press release that is distributed to 400+ premium news outlets.
We have created a beautiful seal for our 2023 CBI Finalists to proudly display on your cover!
-When sharing on Facebook you are always welcome to use the tag @AmericanWritingAwards and on Twitter @realAWAwards.
This book has been in the making since 1985! This beautiful book is only $24.99 and is in a Hard Cover. You can order your own, or order one as a gift to someone raising elementary-aged children.
You may also order one to be given, in your honor, with your name inscribed on the inside cover to your Elementary school of choice. Place your order here by hitting the button below. In the comments section, you can give me both your instructions for your copy and your school of choice copy, just share your Elementary school's name and address.
**Schedule me to speak at your school of choice and introduce how to use this important and needed book to your students today!
You can email me with questions to: contactus@standupsters.com
Be a part of the movement for change & peace!
Click on the YOUTUBE video
below to hear from Karen Z. Brass
Karen Z. Brass' BIOGRAPHY

As a Second Generation of a Holocaust Survivor, Brass is an Educator and Speaker
Her Father's story is inspiring. As a Polish-born citizen, his experiences of being taken into slavery for five years by the Nazis, as well as losing both parents to murder is both gripping and detailed. His survival, liberation, and immigration to the United States, and his life accomplishments, in spite of his horrific past, are impressive.
Some of the details of her Father's experiences parallel the movie, Schindler's List, although he did not get on the list. After being in the Krakow Ghetto, then Plaszow Death Camp, he remained in the Auschwitz Death Camp for two years before being forced on his first Death March, as well as surviving two additional concentration camps, Sachsenhausen, Flossenbürg, followed by multiple other Death Marches. Brass shares the lessons of the Holocaust through her Second-Generation eyes.
Brass believes no one should ever stand silent in the face of hatred. While sharing her Father's story of survival, she weaves in her thoughts concerning what it means to be a bystander, and how to eliminate discrimination, as it is cruel, and irrational, and only flourishes when bystanders are present and do not act. She promotes being a Standupster® instead of being a bystander. She coined this word, Trademarked it, and Registered it, and defines a Standupster® as "any human being who chooses to take a stand and use their sense of personal responsibility, and moral leadership, to take action to stop bullying and discrimination in today's school, work, and community environments". She promotes how our differences make us stronger and how we must stand united against bigotry, racism, and sexual stereotyping. To not just be "tolerant" of our differences but to be educated about them and practice inclusivity so that we can be accepting of them and embrace each other's differences.
She started this website, as well as her company, Can I Count On You , to make the material she teaches more accessible to educators, parents, and students alike. Hatred of other's differences must be stopped and she promotes that together we are stronger because of our unique qualities. Brass also teaches why it is important to put an end to stereotyping, selecting scapegoats, and stopping the proliferation of prejudice and hatred.
Brass graduated from Bowling Green State University with a double major in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education K-12 as well as a minor in Psychology. Brass taught elementary school after graduating in 1987, and today is still an educator. She was the assigned chairman of The Raoul Wallenburg Scholarship Award at Toledo University for 3 years, prior to her family moving to Colorado.
Karen Z. Brass is happily married to her husband, David Seth Brass, since 1996, and is a mother to their two children, each with their challenges. She has seen firsthand what bullying does to self-esteem through her children's eyes, as well as in the eyes of their friends who didn't know what to do to help them. She enlisted their assistance by first educating them and their parents on her children's unique strengths, as well as their challenges and focused on building a stronger community, surrounding each child with friends who understand, care, and have learned the meaning of compassion and personal accountability for their actions. Watching these other children rise and take action in not allowing bullying to occur in their presence has been a great source of strength and hope for Brass and her children, now young adults.
Brass has been a trained docent and speaker to over 5,000 adults and students at the Anne Frank Exhibit during its month-long tour in Toledo, Ohio, in 1999. She has organized, facilitated, and regularly met with other Second-Generation, Children of Holocaust Survivors, since 1995. She has served on the Speakers Bureau for both The Mizel Museum, as well as Colorado University's Holocaust Awareness Institute, and she has been a guest speaker for Hillel on campus. Brass is on the speaker list for The Coalition Against Global Genocide and has been gratefully involved by serving on the Board of this important organization since 2013. She has contributed to the Teen Aggression & Bullying Workbook, which is part of a series of Teen Mental Health & Life Skills Workbooks, now carried and sold in Walmart. She is a Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary. She has helped advocate, speak on behalf of, and make into law, three bills in the State of Colorado, one of which was Holocaust Awareness Week; Holocaust studies are now required to be taught in Public Schools state-wide due to the law.
She was honored to be an invited Holocaust Lecturer to U. S. Military leadership at the Cheyenne Mountain NORAD facility, and to the Peterson Air Force Base military personnel in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 2006, and returned again in 2007, and many times afterward. Brass was the honored speaker at Fort Carson at the invitation of Major General Joseph Anderson for their "Days of Remembrance" program in 2012 and she returned to speak again in 2014.
Brass is the author of three books; "I Am a Standupster"-A Personal Account by the Daughter of Holocaust Survivor, David Zauder
"Trauma Filters Through"-A Second-Generation Personal Account by the Daughter of Holocaust Survivor, David Zauder
"How To Create Peace-Teaching Children How To Navigate Their Personal Choices, and Build Their Character, and Social Morality" This children's book has won the honor of being a 2023 Finalist in two categories with the Children's Book International Competition! Winning as a Finalist in two categories; Muliti-Cultural and Parent and Children.
Brass has attended every annual World Federation of Child Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants Conference since 2003. She was an invited Education Panel Speaker to many programs. To note specifically at the 2011 World Federation Child Survivors and Their Descendants Conference in Warsaw, Poland, and Cleveland, Ohio in 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada in 2013, and to Berlin and Bünde, Germany and again spoke in Jerusalem, Israel in 2017. In 2019, she again was an invited Educational Panel Speaker in Vancouver, British Columbia. She has served on their Governing Board for the WFJCHSD since 2013.
Brass speaks wherever there is interest in learning more about the importance of the connection between the lessons of the Holocaust and Global Genocides and why taking positive, courageous, inclusive action in today's challenging global environment is so important.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead
If you would like to learn HOW to be a Standupster, check out what programs are offered by Karen Z. Brass...
Where she has spoken
Brass has had the gift of speaking around the world internationally in 13 countries, extensively throughout the United States, especially in Colorado and Ohio where she has lived. She has spoken to students as young as kindergarten, the University level, and she has adult programming and Teacher training available. As an active community leader, she has also spoken to Churches, Temples, Mosques, corporations, non-profits, Rotary clubs, Commencements, People To People International travel student groups, The News Channels and other community groups, as well as to various branches of our esteemed military. Follow her on Facebook to see where her next invitation to speak takes her.
What she has presented
Karen Z. Brass is the President of Can I Count On You llc. Through her Holocaust Awareness and Anti-Bullying program, she promotes being a Standupster®, not a bystander. As the second generation of a Holocaust Survivor herself, Brass focuses on educating those within the school, work, and community environments on how to be personally responsible for their behavior and to demonstrate pride within their community, and be compassionate, inclusive, and accepting of other's differences. She teaches on understanding why it is normal to quietly watch and say nothing and why this behavior must stop. She educates others on how to override being a bystander. She teaches what must be overcome to be successful, as it is standing up and advocating for others who are discriminated against which is so difficult. Eliminating situational ethics and flexible morality from being an option is a key imperative. Programs focus on providing the appropriate language for students and adults to use to empower them to drive change and safely influence a shift in hateful and discriminatory behaviors within the surrounding environment.
Be Standupsters! Make the choice today to not be a bystander. If you see something discriminatory against another human being, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility. Share what happened. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW AND HEARD AND SHARE WHAT YOU DID ABOUT IT. Choose to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities, and sexual orientation or gender identity. Be willing to be a positive call to action in your sphere of influence, and make this a worldwide effect.
Schedule your Presentation today
Karen Z. Brass is the President of Can I Count On You llc. Through her Holocaust Awareness and Anti-Bullying program, Standupster® she promotes being a Standupster®, not a bystander. As a Second Generation of a Holocaust Survivor herself, Brass focuses on educating those within the school, work, and community environments on how to be personally responsible for their behavior, and demonstrate pride within their community, and be compassionate, inclusive, and accepting of others differences.
Complete this form and you will receive an email back shortly.
Please clearly state what you are looking for, who your audience is, where you are located and what your budget is at this time. If you have placed an order for Standupster Merchandise as well, please share on the comment section what you ordered. If a book was purchased, please share who to inscribe it to as well.

Donate here so a school that wants to have a Standupster Presentation can enjoy the benefits of our programming, even when they don't have funds to schedule a program.
If you would like to learn HOW to be a Standupster, check out what programs are offered by Karen Z. Brass...
Programs Currently Available

Entire school class
Brass speaks with students in a school, all of the same grade, effectively calling on them to accept the obligation for creating a positive school culture and environment with a climate of acceptance, understanding, inclusion and respect.

Entire school
Whenever able, Brass speaks with the entire school in an assembly. She puts the focus on gaining knowledge of the past and present to drive the future of their school's reputation. That their actions towards one another affect their school and everyone there. How taking personal responsibility for "what you see, you own" and "when you see it, speak it."

Day Without Hate and Diversity Day Programming
Speaking during a school wide program, where every student has an opportunity to participate, is vital for changing a school's social climate.

Youth Leadership Groups
In middle schools and high schools, Brass equips teachers in helping their student body create Standupster Clubs. These clubs empower students to create a safe space to recognize when and how they are being Standupsters and to be recognized for such positive action.

University Programs
Days of Remembrance, Graduations, Inductions, Day Without Hate programs, Diversity Day programs, Inclusivity Programs, Babi Yar Remembrances, Classroom programs and Educational Panels.

Programs, Workshops and Speaking Engagements
“To remember is not enough. We must all teach our children inclusivity
and understanding, both at home and at school. We all must make it clear that hate is never right and love is never wrong.”
– Roman Kent, Holocaust survivor and USC Shoah Foundation Board Member

If you think learning to be a Standupster is no longer important, watch this video...
Be Standupsters! Make the choice today to not be a bystander. If you see something discriminatory against another human being, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility. Share what happened. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW AND HEARD AND SHARE WHAT YOU DID ABOUT IT. Choose to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities and sexual orientation or gender identity. Be willing to be a positive call to action in your sphere of influence, and make this a world-wide affect.

www.CoAGG.org Coalition Against Global Genocide is an organization focusing their energies on their mission;
Mission Statement:To educate, motivate and empower individuals and communities to oppose Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity. Click on the word here at the bottom of this slide and you will be directed to their websites most recent speakers series, focusing on very important issues of today. I was honored to be one of their panelists for the final in the series, focusing on Addressing the Psychology of the Bystander, the Perpetrator and The Upstander. Recorded on December 10th 2020.
2020 CoAGG Genocide & Slavery Discussion Series
Thank you for attending our four-part discussion series. If you missed any of the events, please view a playlist of the webinars here. See the 4th, the last one listed, to hear from Karen Z. Brass on Bystanders and Standupsters.
If you would like to learn more about WHO is being trained to be a Standupster, check out who has this education on their annual list...
Our Esteemed Military
It was such a pleasure for Brass to be called upon in 2006 to share her Father's story of survival, immigration to the U.S.A. and his story of success to Fort Carson. He was liberated by General Patton's 3rd Army Tank Division at the end of April 1945.
In 2007, Brass and her husband brought her father, on his birthday, to tour NORAD, and she spoke again to their officers. David Zauder did not speak. Facilitated once again, by MSgt Lashly Speights, with great thanks!
Fort Carson Equal Opportunity Program presented the theme: Choosing to Act: Stories of Rescue. Their Days of Remembrance program was wonderfully executed and fully participated in by all high level staff, including Major General Joseph Anderson, my host.
David Zauder was very pleased that the 4th Infantry Division
shared their brass band during the program, and he enjoyed speaking with them. He also was grateful to be present to hear his daughter's presentation that day from the audience.

Educational Panels
Being a part of a small group selected to share how each impart the lessons of the Holocaust to large audiences was a gift.
Brass offers personalized PowerPoints with specific audiences in mind.

If you would like to learn WHY being a Standupster is so valuable right now, check out what people are doing in their communities...
Community Involvement
"We will not remain silent when this type of inexcusable and inappropriate behavior is shown. We have a code of ethics required of our business members. Schools have Student Codes of Behavior expected while in school. Free speech is important, in fact constitutional. We believe that freedom to show hatred by vandalizing or utilizing symbols of hatred and intimidation towards one group are not acceptable here, in our mountain community. We stand united against this form of hatred and will no longer remain silent. " - Karen Z. Brass July, 2019
Karen Zauder Brass practices what she teaches. When Anti Semitism showed up in her community, she spoke out, loudly, so everyone could hear.
Be Standupsters! Make the choice today to not be a bystander. If you see something discriminatory against another human being, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility. Share what happened. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW AND HEARD AND SHARE WHAT YOU DID ABOUT IT. Choose to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities and sexual orientation or gender identity. Be willing to be a positive call to action in your sphere of influence, and make this a world-wide affect.

Read the sampling of recommendations below to see if you understand the in depth influence YOU can have by becoming a Standupster too.

Brass was the invited speaker for Conifer High School's National Honors Society Graduation with Dr. Musick as principal.

Below, West Jefferson Middle School added the day they were gifted a Standupster Presentation into their Yearbook. At the end of Karen Z. Brass' program, her father walked into the gym and answered questions following his standing ovation. It was a powerful day, one those students never forgot. They used two pages in their yearbook to commemorate how truly important it was to each student, staff and parent present that day.

Having the students write letters as a Common Core follow up as well as signing the "I Am A Standupster" poster allows for the students to really absorb the material, making it both memorable and personal. Wearing their wristbands assists them in seeing each other as allies, not co bystanders.

Being in Poland to speak with political leaders like the mayor of Warsaw, the Polish consulate, as well as to place a family plaque with the names of those family members she knew who had been murdered in Krakow. To teach there was a life-changing event for Brass.

Speaking up for what I believe is right. Go to your Capital. Be heard! You can be an action taker.
Be a Standupster!

Be Standupsters! Make the choice today to not be a bystander. If you see something discriminatory against another human being, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility. Share what happened. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW AND HEARD AND SHARE WHAT YOU DID ABOUT IT. Choose to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities and sexual orientation or gender identity. Be willing to be a positive call to action in your sphere of influence, and make this a world-wide affect.

At the close of the Cleveland Orchestra's 1996-1997 concert season, David Zauder retired after 39 years as a cornet and trumpet player. He holds the distinction of having the longest tenure of any trupeter in the Orchestra's history. In December of 1996, Zauder stepped down as the Orchestra's Personnel Manager, a post he held for 25 seasons, after serving as Assistant Personnel Manager from 1960-71. "Overstating the impact David Zauder has had on The Cleveland Orchestra would be impossible,..." wrote Executive Director, Thomas W. Morris in May 1997. "His attention to detail, always within an unwavering artistic perspective, is legendary." David Zauder joined The Cleveland Orchestra in 1958. Ten years later, he was appointed by Conductor George Szell as principal cornet, a post he held concurrently with his duties as trumpeter and his personnel management position, as well as soloist. In 1989, the principal cornet position was permanently endowed by a generous gift from Mary Elizabeth and G. Robert Klein.
Zauder arrived in Detroit after his immigration, following his survival of the Holocaust, to be with his Mother's Sister and live with her oldest Daughter, Lil and her husband, Harry Markle. They had two children, soon to be a third, Lil and Harry Markle made David a part of their family from May 1946-48. With their assistance, he received trumpet lessons. Under the direction of Leonard B. Smith, who tutored him on trumpet playing, as well as the English language. He went through public school, then The New York Military Academy took him on a full ride scholarship, then subsequently played solo cornet with the famed Detroit Concert Band. Zauder also studied with Harry Glantz in New York, served as first trumpet for the New York Military Academy, and later enlisted in the United States Army and served 4+ years at West Point. After his honorable discharge, and his becoming an American Citizen, he performed two seasons as first trumpet with the Boston Pops under Arthur Fiedler. In addition, he played for Broadway shows, television studios, and completed commercial recordings. During his tenure with The Cleveland Orchestra, David Zauder earned degrees in business administration and humanities from Case Western Reserve University and he served on the faculty of the Cleveland Institute of Music from 1978-1995. He helped many students, one of whom is Ryan Anthony, who currently holds the principal trumpet position with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and continues to strive to share what he learned from Zauder. Zauder appeared as soloist with the Orchestra on several occasions, most recently for the Opening Night Celebration concert in 1996. He was also the featured soloist in twenty concerts with the Blossom Festival Concert Band, an organization for which he was the spiritual leader, since its inception in 1968. David Zauder was given the 1997 Distinguished Service Award, second of its kind, by The Musical Arts Association in Cleveland during their Opening Night Celebration. In retirement, he continued to share his experience and expertise with others, presenting a seminar on artistic and administrative issues for The New World Symphony. Fully retired, in 2007 he moved in with his daughter, Karen Z. Brass and her husband David S. Brass and their two children, in Colorado. He passed away quietly in our home, in his bed, surrounded by our family, on April 15th, 2013.

"My father was very supportive of my sharing his personal story of both survival and success in America. He knew the education of our youth is invaluable in these areas and will make a huge difference in their future as well as in the futures of all the lives they touch going forward, being a Standupster®”. Karen Z. Brass
Brass' daughter is part of the Third Generation of a Holocaust Survivor. She is seen here with her GrandDad, David Zauder. His arm, which was tattooed by the Nazis, at Auschwitz, is visible. The Nazis tried to intimidate him, remove his identity and challenge who he was and what principles and priorities he stood for. They did not succeed and he passed these principles and priorities down two additional generations.

As David Zauder's Granddaughter grew in her understanding of what had been done to her GrandDad, her great grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and her family, her identity grew, as did her courage.
DZ's CD, "David Zauder Plays Just For Fun"

This Limited Edition Vinyl record is also available while supplies last.

DZ's Embouchure and Technique studies Practice for the Trumpet Book

Watch and read what it takes to become a Standupster in Brass' DVDs and Books
The long-awaited children's book has been completed! How To Create Peace, Hard Cover $24.99, is an innovative children's book on what it takes to create equity and harmony, in other words, peace, through a child's eyes. Book orders are being taken now and shipped within 5 days. For each book purchased, you may also choose to purchase a discounted book to be donated in your name to an Elementary school of the purchasers' choosing.

How To Create Peace has earned the honor of being a Finalist in the Children's Book International 2023 Competition! Winning as Finalist in two categories; Muliti-Cultural and Parent and Children. .
DVD of High School Presentation

This is the Middle School DVD of Brass' middle school Standupster Presentation. She had the foresight to arrange for her father to join in at the end to answer questions the students asked him and had it professionally video taped. This was the 3rd out of 5 times in David Zauder's life that he spoke publicly about his childhood and slavery to the Nazis.
DVD of Middle School Presentation

During a High School speaking engagement, she, for the 4th time out of 5, had her father join her on stage, following her High School Standupster presentation, to answer student questions. Brass had this historic event videotaped as well.
Trauma Filters Through
by Karen Zauder Brass

Following her father's passing in 2013, Brass took the red lined chapters in her first book, I Am a Standupster that
her father requested she not include, until he passed, and added them in this book. She honestly recounts how living with her father and being his sole caregiver for the final 8 years of his life impacted her and her family. Her depth of engagement with the reader is addictive as well as meaningful. A necessary read. Each of us has Trauma that Filters Through.
I Am A Standupster
by Karen Zauder Brass

Brass worked on this book at a fever pitch in order to have it completed prior to her father's passing. She did it, with 3 months to spare. This is a personal work, bearing of her soul, as a child on up to a year prior to his passing. She wrote it to have her father get to know her better, since he missed so much of her life. Much healing was accomplished because of her having him read each chapter.

How To Create Peace
Teaching Children How to Navigate Their Personal Choices, and Build Their Character and Social Morality
by Karen Zauder Brass
HOW TO CREATE PEACE was written to help children recognize their own ability to create impactful positive ripples. Choosing to learn how to listen for understanding, empathize with others, and to have hope and faith that each moment connecting with another person is precious and can change each other’s lives for the better is critical. I pray the ripple affect created by education and positive intention can spread worldwide and help to foster a new generation of educated, caring, kind, and compassionate people. Leading to a world filled with peace.
Brass completed working on this children's book, and it was published in 2020. It includes a Study Guide in the back to assist a parent, mentor or teacher on how to get the most out of utilizing this fabulous book. She plans on gifting a copy to all Elementary schools in the State of Colorado by the end of 2025.
How To Create Peace has earned the honor of being a Finalist in the Children's Book International 2023 Competition! Winning as Finalist in two categories; Muliti-Cultural and Parent and Children.

Endorsements for the book Trauma Filters Through by Karen Z. Brass
Prior to Brass' father's passing, she promised him to add back in the parts she had written that he had asked to be removed from her first published book, I Am A Standupster. After he passed, following his wishes, she added them back in. Trauma Filters Through is the book including all, as he shares in his personal endorsement below.

Trauma Filters Through
by Karen Zauder Brass

You can send a personalized message in the comments section of your submission if you have any special instructions.
Be Standupsters! Make the choice today to not be a bystander. If you see something discriminatory against another human being, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility. Share what happened. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW AND HEARD AND SHARE WHAT YOU DID ABOUT IT. Choose to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities and sexual orientation or gender identity. Be willing to be a positive call to action in your sphere of influence, and make this a world-wide affect.
Holocaust Cookbook
As seen on Oprah, a collection of one page story of survival and mental toughness and luck along with a family Eastern European Recipe on the second page. Brass' family is on page 187. While supplies last.

Miracles and Meals II
Holocaust Cookbook II
Following the success of the first, but not one story or recipe is repeated or the same. Prepare to be both moved and fed! Brass' family is on page 202. While supplies last.

I Am A Standupster
Poster for hanging in your establishment. Participants sign it as a way of showing everyone their new commitment to take action.

WRIST BANDS are available for purchase for your event. Following signing the poster, students get given their own personal wristband to wear in unity with each other.

Awards and Honors
*2021 inductee for the Heights Alumni Hall of Fame
*Colorado Women's Day 2020 and 2021 Distinguished Unsung Heroine Award inductee
*Colorado Cross Disability Coalition award of Leaders focused on civil rights for people with disabilities, 23rd Annual Distinction winner
*Coalition Against Global Genocide Board member and Educational programs Board, and on their Speakers Bureau
*Military Honors and Recognition Multiple awards and plaques awarded from Peterson's Air Force, Fort Carson and NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Officers
*The World Federation Of Jewish Child Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants Annual International Conference A Governing Board Member
* The Colorado Autism Society~Award of Distinction for advocacy work
* Person of Service Award
Serenity Magazine May of 2015
*Inducted Into her Alamater Alumni Hall Of Fame at Cleveland Heights High School 2021.

Brass was honored as a Finalist for The Unsung Heroine Award for the 5th Annual Jeffco International Women's Day 2020.

Brass was honored as a Finalist for The Unsung Heroine Award for the 6th Annual Jeffco International Women's Day 2021.

Advocacy work
Having been a teacher in the public school sector and raising her own two children, Brass has been a sought after advocate. She also was involved in the Colorado Bill for Dyslexia, where teachers are being educated on how to teach students with Dyslexia. In addition, Brass was instrumental in getting legislation passed in Colorado for discrete Breast Feeding in public and was written up in the papers for doing so after a 5 year battle.

She was involved in making Colorado's Holocaust Awareness Week a reality. Brass continues to share her Standupster programs and has participated in many influential programs across the country.
"Maturity is reached the day we don't need to be lied to about anything."Frank Yerby, American Writer

Being present as Governor Hickenlooper signed into law the Anti-Bully Act was a must for Brass and her daughter.
Be Standupsters! Make the choice today to not be a bystander. If you see something discriminatory against another human being, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility. Share what happened. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW AND HEARD AND SHARE WHAT YOU DID ABOUT IT. Choose to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities and sexual orientation or gender identity. Be willing to be a positive call to action in your sphere of influence and make this a world-wide affect.
Where could YOU become a Standupster?
What arena is of importance to you?
CHILDRENS BOOKS and Important Reads
Books that are necessary reads:
How To Create Peace-Teaching Children How to Navigate Their Personal Choices, and Build Their Character and Social Morality by Karen Zauder Brass
What books Shall We Choose for Our Children by the Holocaust Educators' Consortium
Number The Stars by Lois Lowry
Terrible Things An Allegory of the Holocaust by Eve Bunting
Children of The Holocaust ; Conversations with Sons and Daughters of Survivors by Helen Epstein
Kindertransport by Diane Samuels
My Friend Anne Frank by Jacqueline Van Maarsen
Genya by Genya Finkelstein
...and so we must remember by Temple Emanu-El Holocaust Remembrances
The Night Trilogy; Night;Dawn; The Accident by Eli Wiesel
One Generation After by Eli Wiesel
Still Alive-A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered by Ruth Kluger
Justice Matters- Legacies of the Holocaust and World War II by Mona Sue Weissmark
After Such Knowledge by Eva Hoffman
Trauma Filters Through by Karen Zauder Brass
Nothing Makes You Free-Writings by Descendants of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, edited by Melvin Jules Bukiet
Return to Auschwitz by Kitty Hart
Days of Rain by Enzo Tayar
Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi
Holocaust- A Novel of Survival and Triumph by Gerald Green
Hitler's Willing Executioners -Ordinary Germans and The Holocaust by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen
A Bag of Marbles by Joseph Joffo
My Hitch In Hell by Lester Tenney
No Good Byes- A Father-Daughter Memoir of Love, War and Resurrection by Naava Piatka
Second Generation Voices- Reflections by Children of Holocaust Survivors and Perpetrators; edited by Alan Berger and Naomi Berger
I Am A Standupster by Karen Zauder Brass

This Website content is prohibited from use without written permission from the LLC. The name, STANDUPSTER is both Trade Marked and Registered to Karen Z. Brass and Can I Count On You LLC.
Be Standupsters! Make the choice today to not be a bystander. If you see something discriminatory against another human being, say something. If you see it, you own it. When you see it, speak it. Taking action is your responsibility. Share what happened. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW AND HEARD AND SHARE WHAT YOU DID ABOUT IT. Choose to take personal responsibility in eliminating discrimination of all kinds; race, creed, religious beliefs, physical disabilities, learning differences, mental disabilities and sexual orientation or gender identity. Be willing to be a positive call to action in your sphere of influence, and make this a world-wide affect.